Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday 3/28

I actually took Sunday off from posting, though I admit to having done some reading. 

Monday, however, was back to work and back to my second job of posting news for my friends :)

7:24am  I am a wild card! Which way will I vote?
Actually, while I don't have time to look up the stats right now, I'm pretty sure that, statistically speaking, I don't vote. Ha, take that statistics!

7:31am  Secretary of State La Follette reiterates his belief that Act 10 is not yet law. And, he actually casts the blame pretty equally on the administration and LRB:

7:34am  Dennis Smith, Secretary of the Department of Health Services: Needs to fix a budget shortfall, and dislikes needing to get permission from the feds.

12:04pm  DOA believes it is law and will enact it. Smaller paycheck FTW?

 And yes, if it is overturned, we may get retroactive payback for those benefits. However, that could be a while from now.

12:54pm  Views on expanding private school vouchers:

 1:26pm  Sometimes thinks that all politicians should have to spend a year living at the poverty line.

3:49pm  DOJ says Act 10 is law, requests to withdraw appeal re: open meetings, and to end TRO:

3:50pm  LFB summary of budget: good to familiarize, will have impact on all of us:

3:50pm  Another memo from Leg Council to Barca:

3:56pm  Wind farm rules are under debate in WI, with more stringent rules winning:

3:56pm  Proposal to make it illegal to picket a home:
Apparently there is already an ordinance against this in Madison. Also, US Supreme Court may think it is fine???

4:22pm   fears that Wisconsin has reached the point where I will be feeling immensely more conservative than the rest of you. And much more pessimistic about the power of elections to effect any kind of substantial change in the direction we are moving.

7:26pm  thinks it is fairly disgraceful that 20% of the electorate can be considered a normal or good turnout for an election. Hell, it's disgraceful that anything less than 50% can be considered good turnout. ( To me, that's a much bigger problem than free speech zones, anti-worker legislation, etc.

7:58pm  I don't know about you, but when I need to travel all around the state, I'm probably going to use a car, not a plane. Then again, I'm not a governor; I'm just a lowly state employee trying to save money and stick to the OSER travel rules:
It turns out that Walker's plane expenses are not any higher than previous governors - however, it still seems like a waste of money. I know WI is bigger than the states I'm used to, but still. 

7:59pm  Can't remember if I already posted this article about WI health care laws following the ALEC models...which may be a good way to predict what's coming next...

8:02pm  This article claims that it is hidden; I just think most people just focused on CB and forgot the rest. Part of the Budget Repair Bill changes some civil service jobs into appointed positions. Regardless, Walker has clearly (this, the Medicaid rules, the DOA 3rd grade reading) been making serious moves towards consolidation of power in the Governor.

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