Saturday, March 26, 2011

Saturday 3/26

Again, from Facebook. I'm simply not finding enough time during the week to write as much as I'd actually like to write.

But at least I can document here.

12:02pm  Apparently, due to our protesting, a group serving meals to homeless folks needed to find a new location for a while...and now, even though we're no longer in the Capitol 24/7, they aren't necessarily letting them back in:

2:52pm  Things are fairly quiet on the square. Handful of folks outside, maybe 50-60 in rotunda. Singing We Shall Overcome.

Later on, some folks, including one with a Batman cape, led chants in the rotunda, and then went up the 1st floor rotunda, where they held signs, and were then issued $205.50 citations for protesting outside of the designated area.  This has been the new tactic (and protest target) for the week.

6:10pm  More on choice (voucher) expansion:

7:05pm No mention of how little they mentioned Libya at some points: And Libya started before the Japan quake... It's been interesting to find my focus on the Middle East/North Africa, and Wisconsin, with very little perspective on what is happening nationally.

11:45pm  My blog was right-on, and ahead of the State Journal. No one knows whether this bill is law or not: However, DOA (part of the Walker admin) is acting as if it is...which means those of us who will be financially affected, will probably see that effect soon, unless something changes.

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